Buenos Aires!

We arrived late into Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday the 8th. We took a Tienda Leon taxi to our Airbnb in San Telmo, which is a neighborhood just south of Plaza de Mayo. Our host Maria has a nice little apartment and we had a comfortable bed. She was so outgoing to help us get our bearings! After a much needed catch-up sleep, we set out Thursday morning to explore the city.

First stop was to go to a banco to withdraw pesos. This was an interesting experience since we could not get the ATM to work for us. After talking to some locals we went to the financial sector north of us to try other banks. Six banks later we found a HSBC Bank that we could finally get money from! Now time for lunch.

La Juana cafe

Roast beef marinated with onions, peppers and cheese. We both said it was the best roast beef sandwich we had ever had! And of course we tried our first Argentinian cerveza – Quilmes lager. It’s the Argentina macro brew made here in Buenos Aires. It drinks similar to Dos Equis.

Plaza de Roma

We walked through this beautiful plaza with amazing trees on our way to the bus station to purchase our tickets for Iguazu Falls.

Bombori Cervezeria

Our first brewery! On Reconquista St. in the University district where there are many bars and restaurants, this little microbrewery stood out to us because it reminded us of Colorado. We had a honey ale and a red IPA which were pretty good.

Plaza de Mayo

Es muy hermoso por la noche!

Baum Cervezeria

This is such a great experience! Recommended by our host Maria, Baum was just down the block from our Airbnb. Everything here was fantastico – la comida, las bebidas, y las vibraciones! The owner has clearly been to America and experienced craft beer culture. They spoke decent English and every beer was at least a 4 out of 5. My favorite beer was ironically named Fuck IPA, a fruity, citrusy smasher at only 6%. Check out their wall art:

Ciao Buenos Aires! We will see you in a week or so. Now onto Iguazu Falls!

5 thoughts on “Buenos Aires!

  1. You guys are living your best lives! So happy to see pics already 🖤 Not surprised most of them are of beer 🤣 Don’t forget to update about the FUD’s maiden voyage


  2. So so so exciting!! Will look every single day for blog posts and share your adventure with my boys! Stay safe and live large ❤️❣️💕 luv u both – Aunt Car


  3. Buenos Aires looks charming. The beer looks & sounds delightful. Looking forward to seeing more of Argentina through your eyes.


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